Editor :

Hôtel Roques
30 Avenue de Verdun
Phone :+33 (0)4 90 25 41 02
SIRET : 49150792700029
APE code : 5510Z

Publishing director :

Catherine CADOU

The texts and visuals used in the design of this website is the property of SARL Hôtel Roques, they are subject to copyright governed by the law of 11 March 1957 and the Act of 3 July 1985, codified in the Code of Intellectual property. Their use, reproduction or exploitation are subject to the authorization of the SARL Hôtel Roques.

Photo credits

Hôtel Roques, CDT Vaucluse en Provence, Alain Hocquel, Thorsten Brönner, Hélène Abry, Régis Cintas-Flores, Nadine Tardieu, Valérie Biset, Teddy Verneuil, Jean Louis Zimmermann, Régis Leroy, Colombe Production.

Design :

LUDIFRANCE, Agence Conseil en E-tourisme et Marketing Hôtelier
40 rue Chef-de-Baie, 17 000 La Rochelle

Hosting :

Ludifrance dedicated server
Hosted at OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix

Privacy and personnal data :

According to Article 34 of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computers, files and freedoms, you have a right to access, rectify data concerning you. The customer database SARL Hôtel Roques was the subject of a simplified declaration to the CNIL under registration number 2200789. To exercise the right of rectification of your data you can contact us by email.